Belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan Media Lagu
Learning English With Songs...(Belajar B.Inggris melalui Media Lagu)
English is the first foreign language in Indonesia, which is considered to be very important to develop and absorb science, technology, art and culture also to create a fair relationship among countries in the world. Nowadays the use of English is getting wider since it is used as a tool to elaborate science and technology.
In accordance with that aspect, the government has decided to teach English starting from the elementary school up to the university.
They have made some attempts to improve students’ English competence, such as; designing a suitable curriculum, equipping some school with language laboratory, etc. But in fact, it seems that the endless complaint of the student’s mastery of English still exists. We still find some students have insufficient command of English and unable to communicate their ideas at a suitable level for students to obtain their degrees.
Success in learning is a product of many different factors of the learner; most of them are out of the teacher’s control. Motivation can be summed up as the student’s desire and need to learn the driving force that makes him work hard, pay attention and so on. It is the crucial force, which determines whether a learner embarks on a task at all, how much energy he devotes and how long he perseveres.
It is necessary to get to know the students’ interest and background because they will work hard if they are interested in. They involve themselves when a lesson allows them to talk about themselves or what is closest to them. All students are bursting to say something in English which interests them passionately, such as music, film, etc.
Nowadays, we find students, as the youth are likely to be interested in English in the form of music and songs. They have a great deal of interest in listening, singing and even in trying to understand the content of the songs.
Students are often curious about the content of the songs they like. They listen to the songs over and over again in order to catch their lyrics then translate them into Indonesian so that they can understand the idea of those songs. It is often surprising how much can be extracted from songs. In my view, this is because the songs are real and relevant to the experience of the majority of young people. The curiosity of students in understanding the content of the songs, I see, that songs can make them learning English seriously and then will influence their English achievement.
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